DURING this time of crisis, we are doing all we can to respond to very high levels of demand.

We know people are worried, we are too, but you are not alone and we will do everything we can to help.

We are experiencing a very high level of calls, emails and other messages and we are hard at work responding to all of them. We know a lot of people are scared and worried because we are exactly the same.

We are working to do all that we can to help and want to assure anyone seeking our assistance that we are with you. Please be patient with our small team as we respond to this emergency.

GAU is not an advice service but can show you where to go for help with immigration, social security, and other important matters.

Our health and wellbeing and sports services can also help with mental health and provide community support. We have culturally-sensitive activity sessions tailored for men, women and children and would encourage all members to try to look after their own personal wellbeing at this very difficult time. By doing this, you are better able to support others.

Our community is strongest when we are together. Glasgow Afghan United is with you.

For further information about our groups and activities, including language learning for adults and children, please get in touch using our Contact Us section or by visiting our Facebook page.
