Women’s Empowerment Project

We know that by lifting women up, whole families are lifted. Since 2018 this project has provided a safe space and platform for women from Afghan and other ethnic minority platforms and helped with access to education, employment, leisure, advice and other support. For more information or to ask about taking part in any of these sessions or activities, please email info@glasgowafghanunited.co.uk.

Health & Wellbeing

We offer one-to-one confidential calls and drop-in sessions for compassionate support and companionship.

GAU provides a safe space for people suffering from mental health issues to talk and receive advice about possible next steps. We also provide vital information about available avenues when racism is experienced.


The Women’s Empowerment Project also supports active travel for fitness, wellbeing, leisure and getting around the city. Learn to cycle with us or rediscover the benefits of cycling every Thursday from 10am-12pm at Glasgow Club Maryhill, in partnership with Glasgow Life, with Play on Pedals sessions also available for children.


Open up access to Scotland with our fun visits to popular attractions and destinations in Glasgow and beyond. Our group plans days out to places like Pollok Park, the Falkirk Wheel, Blairdrummond Safari Park, Heads of Ayr Farm Park, Irn Bru Carnival, M&Ds and more. These are family events and always enjoyable – whatever happens with the Scottish weather!

Digital Classes

We offer online tuition in computer basics, Windows packages, internet basics and Microsoft Office packages including Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Through these lessons, members can build their skills to a high level of ability to help with daily life, education, supporting children, making appointments and employability.  Sessions are held on Saturdays.


Theory and Practical Driving Support

We support our members to learn the rules of the road and take their theory tests with regular sessions every Saturday at 1pm-2pm. Our lessons make it easy to learn the Highway Code and prepare for the official assessment. When learners have passed this, we can also provide help with practical driving lessons on a person-by-person basis to improve independence and mobility.

English Classes

Our classes are delivered in partnership with Glasgow Kelvin College to improve understanding and use of the English language for confidence, socialising, education and employability. These in-person sessions cover speaking, reading and writing and are held at our office from 12pm-2pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. Support is given to learners and a number of our group members have gone on to attend college and university. 

We offer one-to-one sessions to help with course applications and also offer workshops that target and focus on personal statement writing. The skills that are gained by variety of sessions we provide can all be included in applications as well as aiding future studies.

Training Sessions

We believe in giving members opportunities they might not ordinarily have. GAU provides training sessions and workshops throughout the year as part of the Women Empowerment. We’ve held sessions on first aid, safeguarding and protecting children and peer support facilitation. We’ve also organised events for New Scots, volunteering, home and fire safety and beauty training.

Badminton & Tennis

We work closely with Glasgow Life to deliver sporting activities for Afghan and ethnic minority women who are isolated, under-represented and facing issues with integrating in their new home of Glasgow. Our sessions cater for women with little or limited badminton and tennis experience and aims to boost confidence and skills. We aim to empower women within our community to become independent and make choices in life, to improve their health and wellbeing and to increase their chances of future employment. Our five-week courses include basic skills and an attendance certificate and resource pack are provided. Family sessions are also organised to give families a chance to get fit and have fun together.

Sessions run in blocks on Friday mornings at Glasgow Club Maryhill.

First Aid

  • This course is organised in partnership with Glasgow Life (Glasgow Sport) and concentrates on the three principles of First Aid which are preserving life, preventing the casualty’s condition deteriorating, and helping to promote recovery.

In an emergency people often fail to provide adequate care for a casualty. Some people when faced with a crisis often are overcome by fear and anxiety and may panic. Bystanders to an accident can have fears that they may do the wrong thing, cause further injury to a casualty or be harmed themselves, such as catching a disease. These reactions can often result in a delay in a casualty receiving the necessary treatment or the quality of the treatment being compromised. First Aid training provides the opportunity for the group to learn exactly what to do and be able to overcome any of these fears to help them react with greater confidence if an emergency happens. These skills improve employability and are run on an occasional basis at our office.

Safeguarding and Protecting Children

  • This course is carried out by Glasgow Life and helps participants to recognise poor practice and red flags of abuse while also prompting a review of their work to ensure that a positive and enriching experience is provided for all children.

The sessions include the opportunity to learn through decisions, exploring the consequences of those decisions in a safe and supportive environment and helping to increase their confidence.

The scenarios are designed to help guide volunteers, sessional workers and other personnel to make informed choices and action when working with vulnerable children and adults.

These sessions are run on an occasional basis at our office.

Fire and Safety at Home

  • This presentation is carried out by the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service. Many fires in the home are caused by a single moment of carelessness and could easily be prevented. This session gives group the knowledge needed to be aware of possible fire hazards around the home and to take steps to protect themselves and their family from fire, including the use of smoke alarms, cooking safety, and the planning of escape routes. 

This session, held at our office, is open to all individuals.


Friday Breakfast Club

Our weekly morning meet-ups include food and friendship in our private office space, giving members a chance to relax and talk together. The sessions include talks, advice and activities including money management, providing one-to-one help for individuals who are struggling with their finances. These are run in partnership with Glasgow North West Citizens Advice Bureau and cover daily, weekly and monthly spending and how to manage savings. 

International Women's Day

We celebrate our achievements and stand up for sisterhood around the world, marking International Women’s Day each March with speeches, music, food and more. That means poetry, short films, visits from inspiring women from public life, and often some suprises at our office in Maryhill.

Asylum, Immigration Support & Housing

We have links and partnerships with a number of organisations that can help provide any support to families going through the asylum process or are having difficulties with housing.

If you know of any families that are having difficulties or are afraid to ask for help please get in touch with us via our contact us tab.

Money Management

There are ongoing money management sessions that provide one to one help for individuals that are struggling with managing their money. We have advised individuals from the group on how to work out their weekly, daily and monthly spending and how to manage their savings. Taking the time to manage their money better can really help. This can help stay on top of bills and save money each year. Extra savings to pay for holidays, trips or shopping.

Peer support facilitation

Peer support facilitation is ongoing throughout our sessions.

The adoption of ongoing peer support facilitation within the group is a way to help group members;

  • Decrease levels of depression,
  • Have a sense of community belonging,
  • Improve confidence,
  • Self-awareness,
  • Self-esteem

University/College Support

A number of our Women’s group members have successfully applied and been accepted into University and college courses.

We offer 1 on 1 session to help any individuals with their course applications and also offer workshops that target and focus on personal statement writing.

We understand that individuals whose first language is not English may find educational applications to be quite difficult and overwhelming, our aim is to remove any fear associated with application processes and provide guidance.

The skills that are gained by variety of sessions we provide can all be included in applications as well as aiding their future studies.


A number of individuals in the group now volunteer for The Women Empowerment Project, whether that be at the regular session or for teaching.

The benefits of volunteering are not only for us as an organisation but for those who volunteer. Some of the main benefits of volunteering are:

1) Volunteering connects you to others

-Dedicating their time as a volunteer helps them make new friends, expand their network, and boost their social skills.

-Volunteering allows individuals to connect with their community and make it a better place. Even helping out with the smallest tasks can make a real difference to the lives of people. It strengthens their ties to the community and broadens their support network.

2)Volunteering is good for your mind and body

– Volunteering helps counteract the effects of stress, anger and anxiety. The social contact aspect of helping and working with others can have a profound effect on overall psychological well-being.

3)Volunteering can advance your career

Volunteering gives the individuals the opportunity to practice important skills used in the workplace, such as teamwork, communication, problem solving, project planning, task management, and organization.

4)Volunteering brings fun and fulfilment to your life

-Doing volunteer work that they find meaningful and interesting can be a relaxing, energizing escape from their day-to-day routine of work, school, or family commitments. 

If you would like to volunteer for our organisation please contact us.

Other Services

Cultural Programmes & Events

Afghan Resettlement Project


To join in or for more information, please contact

+44 (0) 77 5855 6477
